Transform Radio

Transform Radio

Latest Episodes

Comfort Zone Is A Dream Killer
August 02, 2015

  You often hear that “life begins at the end of your comfort zone“.  Well, I want to tell you that life ONLY exists outside of your comfort zone.  Inside your comfort zone, nothing changes. Nothing grows. Nothing thrives.

Worst First Date Ever
July 28, 2015

First dates are awkward.  Really almost any first is awkward.  Doesn’t matter if it’s a date, first day on the job, first day at school, whatever.  The first time you do just about anything it’s incredibly awkward and almost never goes the way you inte...

Dedication: How Bad Do You Want It?
July 12, 2015

    Almost everyone you know, at some point, talks about how bad their life sucks…their job sucks, their relationships suck, their physical and/or mental health sucks. The difference between successful people and average people lies in this singular qu...

Redemption, My Father, And Me
June 29, 2015

  The last time I spoke with my father was two years ago.  Needless to say, that conversation didn’t end well. I firmly believe that there’s always hope for redemption, I’ve seen it happen in my own life recently.

Radical Self Love With Gala Darling #RSLBook
June 04, 2015

It was any other normal day when I received a message that started out as follows: Have you ever dreamed of a life full of laughter, love and sequins… But felt totally clueless about how to make it happen? You’re not alone.

Failure Is The Best Teacher
May 26, 2015

Too many people want overnight success. They want the glory without the grind. They want the awards without the struggle. People who achieve this typically flame out in a spectacularly massive way. Failure is your guide to being successful.

Frankenstein’s Monster
May 05, 2015

  People like to do two things: 1) Quote “Be the change you want to see in the world” 2) Blame society/the government/the market for the world’s ills. These two are cognitively dissonant.  We are society.  We are the government. We are ‘the market’.

Don’t Half Ass Your Way Through Life
May 03, 2015

Doing even the simplest tasks half-assed will lead to a half ass life. You’ll end up sabotaging your self-esteem, your confidence, and everything you’ve planned for your life to be. A half ass motto is “I don’t have time to do it right,

Bubbles, Boxes, And Dirty Windows
March 17, 2015

  Our worldview is shaped by our experiences.  Every single bit of data that hits our brains is recorded, analyzed, sorted, and becomes part of the filter we look through to see the world around us. Similarly,

Stop Acting Like A Victim
March 15, 2015

Society today suffers from the victim mentality. Nothing is our fault, things out of our control determine the course of our lives, and there’s not a damn thing we can do to change it. That’s crap. Learning to live with crap is weak sauce.
