Transform Radio

Transform Radio

Overcoming Fibromyalgia With Jennifer Bro

February 15, 2015

Fibromyalgia Isn't A Death Sentence

Imagine being 23, freshly graduated from college, newly married, ready to start what is to be the best of the rest of your life and one day... can't get out of bed.
When you don't feel better, you seek a doctor's care, and still no relief.  An endless parade of doctors tell you you're depressed, you have mononucleosis, you have low blood pressure, you're allergic to something etc., etc. and nothing makes you feel any better.
Imagine this goes on for two years until the 'big dogs' at the Mayo Clinic hand you what is, to you, a death sentence.  They tell you that you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia and you'll be wheelchair bound by the time you're 30.  They tell you there is no cure, hand you four prescriptions, and wish you luck as you leave.
Most people would give up and be resigned to what the doctors told them is their fate.
Not Jennifer.
At 25 years old, Jennifer began researching ways to naturally treat, and eventually overcome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.  Today that journey has come full circle as founder and mentor at (
Jen Bro is an author (, book collaborator (, certified Reiki practitioner ( and 100% fully recovered sufferer of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.  She is regularly featured on the Raw Food World News (, supports facilitation of transformational workshops and events with well-known local psychotherapist Pauline Kaplan, M.S., L.P ( and created her own pathway to recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
As the founder of, Jen shares her wealth of knowledge gained through years of research on how Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia can be overcome through diet and meditation.  She's developed a toolbox ( that is full of ways to simply and inexpensively integrate these changes into your life so anyone can begin their path to better health and a more fulfilling life.
Connect with Jen:
Website: (
Facebook: (
...and as a special gift, subscribe to her news letter here ( and you’ll receive a FREE BONUS gift of her EXCLUSIVE E-BOOK, ‘6 Smoothie Elixirs to Boost your Healing’.  You won't find these smoothie recipes anywhere else, as they have been exclusively created by Jen in her own kitchen.
Listen in as Jen shares her truly inspirational story and how facing her challenges drives her passion to help others jumpstart their own healing and live a life they didn't think was possible.
Author: Raw Food World News

Transformational Workshop & Event Facilitator Support: Pauline Kaplan M.S., L.P.

Book Collaborator: Brittany Angell’s “Every Last Crumb: Paleo Bread and Beyond”