Transform Radio

Transform Radio


January 05, 2015

Are You A Quitter?


Ok, so the holidays are over.

This is the first week back to work, and the first day that “real life” is impinging on your time to do what you really want to do.

It’s gut check time.

Are you willing to invest in yourself and make this the best year ever?

Or are you going to be like 90% of the people who make New Year’s Resolutions and go from champion to quitter because now that “real life” is back, things are hard?

It’s really your choice.

How many years have you made the same resolutions you did this year?

How many years did a few challenges turn you into a quitter?

Will it be the same this year, or is this the year you suck it up, make the investment, and push through to explosive growth?

On tonight’s show we talk about being a quitter, congruence, and three things you can do right now, as you’re listening to the show, that can push you from quitter to champion.

So, are you up for it?

Ready to make this the best year ever and not just talk about making this the best year ever?

Then buckle up and listen in…. it’s a bumpy ride with lots of tough love inside tonight’s show.


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The post Quitter appeared first on Transform Radio.