Transform Radio

Transform Radio

Small Changes

November 08, 2014

Small Changes = Massive Results

I’ve developed some nagging injuries in the last few weeks since I’ve started running.  My knees, hips, and ankles have all let me know exactly how old and how out of shape I am.

Perhaps the most nagging injury I’ve had since I’ve started running is pain at the top of my ankle.  It has been so great, that my participation in my first every 5k race was in doubt.

However, when I run into a challenge, I find a way to overcome it…so I began researching how to treat that injury.

Imagine my surprise when I found the most common cause…and treatment…was how my running shoes were laced.

In the last week, since I made the small change in how my shoes were laced, I’ve run relatively pain free and back at my original distance and pace.

You often hear it takes massive action to bring massive results…and that can be downright scary.

What you need to remember is that sometimes massive action can be as simple as making a small change in your life.

Small changes push you out of your comfort zone and force you to grow, even if you don’t recognize it at first.

Best part is….small changes have a cumulative impact on your life.

Before you know it, all these small changes DO result in you having taken massive action.


Check out my friend Fahad and Team Fighting Fit on Facebook.  Go ahead and give him a “like”.


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