The Traffic Jam Podcast: Website Traffic | SEO | PPC | Social Media | Content Marketing | Podcasting

The Traffic Jam Podcast: Website Traffic | SEO | PPC | Social Media | Content Marketing | Podcasting

TJ62 – How to Do Blogging That Generates Over 300,000 Social Shares and 150,000 Google Search Clicks Each Month ~ Kristi Hines

January 20, 2015

Kristi Hines with James Reynolds on Traffic JamWhen you've got great information that you think the people who are keen to check what you've got to say can benefit on, what better way to get it out but through a blog?

Blogging can be really quite flexible and only for those gifted with writing; a blog can be about any niche and can definitely be in many forms. Video blog, imagery, and the likes work too aside from text based blogs.

What do you need and just how can you get it to work? Kristi Hines who's blogs resulted in over three hundred thousand social media shares and one hundred fifty thousand Google search clicks tells us how.

Here are some of the highlights from episode 62 of the Traffic Jam Podcast...

Key Elements of A Blog
Finding the Right Topics
Tools of the Trade
Kristi's Most Famous Blog
Blog Formats That Work
Content Layout
The Visual Element
The Best Content Length
Headings That Get Clicked
Content Promotion