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The Traffic Jam Podcast: Website Traffic | SEO | PPC | Social Media | Content Marketing | Podcasting

TJ61 - Content Syndication Strategy: How To Leverage Owned Media For Wider Reach and Authority ~ Brian Honigman

January 14, 2015

Content Syndication is a term that heralds from broadcast television, and is the reason why shows like Seinfeld and Friends gained such wide exposure.

In the same way that television networks licence their shows to other providers, you can licence your own website content to other publishers ignored to increase your audience share.

But larger audience share is not the only payoff from a well devised content syndication strategy. Syndicating your content to the right sites will also provide you SEO and authority building benefits too.

Listen in to episode 61 and learn how Brian Honigman has leveraged his owned media content to sites like Huffington Post, Mashable and The Next Web and gained over 500,000 search engine visits in the process.

Here are some of the highlights from episode 61 of the Traffic Jam Podcast...

Content Syndication vs Distribution.
Creating Relationships for Syndication.
The Syndication Process.
Finding The Right Partners.
Niche vs High Authority.
Content Types That Work.
Content Syndication and SEO.
Getting Started with Syndication.
Results Received By Brian.