Traffic And Leads Podcast

Traffic And Leads Podcast

How to Start A Product Based Business

October 22, 2018

Kevin Gianni is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast. He is currently a founder at Annmarie Skincare, a company that sells organic and crafted products designed specifically for them! Together, Kevin and I talk about his journey into the business world, how his business has shifted over the years, and what it takes in order to get a product that you’re truly proud of, and a product that you know will find success. Let’s get started!


  • How Kevin got started! He’s been a businessman for years, starting as a personal trainer. Over the years, Kevin turned towards the health blogging sphere, and ran a very successful YouTube channel called Renegade Health for a very long time—they have over 900 videos! Then, Kevin shifted towards traveling the country in an RV called The Kale Whale, where they sold health forward products to increase your quality of life. (Fun fact: Kevin was the first person to do an online summit!)
  • Kevin talks to us about the biggest lesson he’s learned from his previous business experiences, stating that the most important thing he’s carried with him is knowing that, if you want something, it’ll happen. You’ll stumble upon the right people and places, and the thing you want can and will be done.
  • Kevin explains how he shifted to skincare, stating that customers kept asking about what to use on their skin. At the time, Kevin wasn’t sure that what they had was the best product to tell to their audience base, with how strongly they support a fresh and healthy diet. So, they started making their own products to design things for their audience that would reflect their food ideas and their activism. As the skincare grew more popular, Kevin noticed that he was putting 30% of his time into Annmarie Skincare, but he was gaining 70% of his revenue from it. That’s when he knew what he needed to focus on.
  • Kevin gives us some tips for people who’re on their way to generating a new fan base for a product! First and foremost, you need to make sure that the product you have is really, really good. Your friends and family might tell you to want you to want to hear, so don’t be afraid to look outside of your immediate circle for a second opinion. From there, you need to make sure that you’re investing in a paid advertisement from the beginning to ensure that the people who will use your product are the people seeing it. Lastly, you can try investing in relationship capital! By reaching out to influencers and affiliates, you can collaborate and pay them the commission on your product, making sure that it reaches the intended people through a familiar and popular face.
  • Kevin admits that, when he launched his products, he didn’t rely upon the paid advertisement, and he learned out that you should be using it the hard way! He knows the baseline of a good product, and knows how to teach their customers well—however, he does encourage people to focus on paid ads from the beginning and ensures that they’ll find success.
  • Lastly, Kevin leaves us with some tricks on making sure that you’ve got a product that’s worth it. You need to look at it, get outside opinions, and make sure that it solves a need for the individuals it’s targeted towards. How can you make that work? Additionally, Kevin speaks about the age-old saying, “throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks”, relating it directly to marketing. You need to stick with your ideas until you find something that works, and it’s more of a mindset than anything else. Know that you’re going to succeed at something, but don’t let yourself be tied to the first thing you create.