To The Saints

To The Saints

TTS-116: Kingdom Citizenship

October 06, 2019

We have several friends who have been trying to relocate/move to the United States.  The process of getting a VISA to stay in the United States for an extended period of time is very difficult.  This may come as a surprise to many of us who live in the United States.
We have spoken about Kingdom Communities in past episodes. Today we would like to look at what the citizens of these communities look like.
While getting a VISA example will fall apart or at least fall short at some point, it is a picture of the Eternal Purpose and becoming Kingdom Citizens.
For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, Col 1:13
Disclaimer:  This is not a “should” list. This is not meant to be burdensome. This is not a check-off list. This is merely a list of some things that appear to be common among Kingdom Citizens. Christ is all and His wisdom far exceeds man’s understanding.
How to become a Kingdom Citizen:

* Find a Kingdom Community or Kingdom Cell (Frank Viola talk about these)

* Insurgence Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom by Frank Viola
* Counterfeit Kingdoms Episode 103

* Apply to be part of this community.
* This includes visiting the community.
* This application is a process. It takes time and does not happen overnight or quickly.
* There is a fee: It will cost you something up front, then it will cost you more of yourself.
* There is no dual citizenship: you have to give up your old citizenship.
* You have to provide a picture: there is a visible expression of Christ’s life on earth today.
* There are Visas that you can get if you have a sponsor:  Christ is our sponsor

What are the characteristics of  Kingdom People?

* They live with a purpose.
There is a purpose for a Kingdom Community:  The purpose is to live by the indwelling life of Christ. To pursue the eternal purpose of God with other brothers and sisters. Exploring together the realities of the Lord and His house.  They are a visible expression of the bride of Christ.
* They seek the Lord and His purpose alone and together.
Beholding Him together

Sharing together what is being revealed of the Lord
* They spend time together. They are in each other’s lives.

* They relate to one another because of their pursuit of Christ and not necessarily 
* because they share likes, dislikes, interests, hobbies or sports teams.
* They love each other.
* They die to themselves daily. 
* They give up their wants, wish dreams, preferences-for Christ’s.
* They consider others over themselves. 
* They are vulnerable (teachable, approachable, malleable)
* They tilt toward yes.
* They see the world through a heavenly vision.
* They see the systems of the world.
* They do not fret over money, jobs, status, safety
* They are generous with their time and money
* Their personalities and creativity, which are varied, as creation and is encouraged.
* They are not automatons or robots. Groupthink is not encouraged.

* The groupthink: the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility.

* They live by another life that is not their own.

Your Citizenship can be revoked?
You refuse to live by the Life of the Kingdom Community.
You refuse to stop living in sin or open rebellion to the Lord.
Heavenly Perspective:
The Kingdom Community is not the end game. It is not eternal. It has a finite lifespan.
It may not stay together.