TotalPicture Podcast

TotalPicture Podcast

A Proven Strategy for Professional Women to Return to the Workforce On Their Terms

March 30, 2021

Boulo Solutions helps women stay in and return to the workforce by matching them with flexible roles and board opportunities. Businesses save time and money by getting matched with vetted, diverse talent in as little as 72hours
Welcome to a CEO Insights edition of the TotalPicture Podcast, I’m your host, Peter Clayton. One of the presenters at the March HR Tech Alliances Collaboration Zone event is my guest today, Delphine Carter. She is the Founder and CEO of Boulo Solutions. Delphine is a business, product and technology leader with 10+ years of experience in a Product Management role. She has successfully built high-performing teams, pushing transformational change and applying agile practices to solve complex business challenges. The complex challenge she is leading today -- Boulo Solutions is designed to help women stay in and return to the workforce.

According to Delphine, women leave the workforce before they hit the c-suite at 3x the rate of men. As women find non-traditional ways to use their professional skills, 3 out of 5 highly qualified women end up having non-linear careers. When women try to return to the workforce, they have little chance of being found on today’s most popular hiring platforms because of one-dimensional onboarding, no accounting for soft-skills and simple matching algorithms. But, keeping women working leads to an $842B improvement to the US economy. S&P Global stated that “More women working is the most underutilized source of growth that could send global market valuations soaring.”

Delphine, thank you for joining me today. Give us the backstory of Boulo. Obviously, you are tackling a huge issue.
I imagine the pandemic has exacerbated the problem?
Have you had to pivot your business over the past year due to the pandemic?
On your website you talk about your mission of “professional achievement without compromise” can you expand on this?
Tell us about the tech you use to match candidates with jobs.
How are you attracting employers to your platform?
Are most of the rolls you are currently filling for project-based and temp work?
How are you attracting professional women to Boulo?
What is the application process?
Your website states that you offer 360-degree profiles of your candidates. How do you handle background checks, including education and employer references?
Are you functioning like an RPO, meaning you handle the payment and 1099’s for the women you place in temp assignments?
Let’s talk about onboarding, which of course has become far more challenging with remote work. Do you stay involved after the placement is made?
What is top priority on your to-do list?
What haven’t we discussed that you would like to share with the audience?
How can our viewers connect with you?