TotalPicture Podcast

TotalPicture Podcast

Peter Hinssen – The Day After Tomorrow

September 04, 2020

Peter Hinssen - The Day After Tomorrow "Gravity is a Bitch." The Future of Work Series Continues (Encore Podcast)
Peter Hinssen

Peter is a serial entrepreneur, Forbes contributor, LinkedIn Influencer, best-selling author and one of the most sought-after thought leaders on organizing for the Day After Tomorrow, radical innovation, leadership and the impact of all things digital on society and business. He has given numerous keynote speeches around the world, among which those for Google Think Performance, Nimbus Ninety, Gartner, NEXT Berlin, Tedx, Apple, and  HR Tech World (now UNLEASH) in San Francisco. Peter is one of the founders of nexxworks and a bestselling author.

Nexxworks was founded in 2014 by Hinssen. Peter and the Nexxworks team believe that many companies are not armed and ready for the disruption this will entail. That is why they are passionate about infusing radical innovation in incumbents to help them thrive in this age of networks.

His latest book is titled The Day After Tomorrow 

In ‘The Day After Tomorrow’, Peter writes about an exponentially changing world and its consequences for organizations of Today. He introduces those pioneers who managed to move (way) beyond Tomorrow-thinking in innovation and were able to change the course of entire industries. Above all, he writes about the business models, the organizational cultures, the talent, the mindset and the technologies needed to maximize our chances for survival in the Day After Tomorrow.

This is a book that will change how you look at your own future, and even that of your children.

Welcome to our continuing Future of Work series podcasts. I'm your host, Peter Clayton. Joining me today for a Big Picture Channel Podcast on TotalPicture from Belgium is Peter Hinssen


Peter welcome. You began your presentation with a personal story relating to the very different career paths your grandfather and your father took, and how that influenced your life and career choices, could you share some of your backstory with us?

However, initially you took you’re father’s path and went to work for a large company, Alcatel. Tell us about that experience.

What is the significance and meaning of the title of your new book, The Day After Tomorrow?

At times do you feel like Chicken Little? You know, the sky is falling and no one is paying attention?

As someone who consults with global companies and travels all over the world, I’m curious, Peter, who gets it? Who understands your vision and the extraordinary pace of change and disruption that’s taking place?

So I’m going to ask you some of the questions you pose in your book: Big Question #1: “Why is it almost impossible for large organizations to spot new and radical technologies quickly, and develop their potential? What explains this organizational blindness to new opportunities?”

Big Question #2: Is a personal favorite, because how many times have we seen this —Yahoo? “Why are large corporations so eager to acquire new startups, and why are they capable of messing them up so profoundly in such a record time?”

Big Question #3: (And you preface this by saying this is the most important reason you wrote The Day After Tomorrow’ - here we go… “How is it possible that large corporations – even when they understand their own challenges and the directions they need to take – are incapable of moving on their own, without external help and guidance?”

And Big Question #4: (And I’m going to split this into several questions… First “How can corporations accelerate their ‘Day After Tomorrow’ thinking?

Next, the Kodak question: Why do large organizations – that understand the fundamental challenges coming at them, because of disruptive technologies,