Total Control Podcast

Total Control Podcast

Total Control Ep 61: The Host is a Jackass

January 21, 2016

Welcome to episode 59 of Total Control, oprainfall’s official podcast. Recorded on Jan. 20, join Azario Lopez, Tom Tolios, Joe Sigadel, Steve Baltimore, and Benny Carrillo as they talk about a fan letter sent to Idea Factory about a gamer telling their father the genre of video games their into and whether or not they would still be accepted by them. So the cast discusses what trials they have overcome in their life to get them to fall into this "niche" world whether it be afraid to tell friends or worried about what other would think. Also talked about is Resident Evil 0 Remastered, Atelier Escha and Logy Plus, Star Wars X-Wing, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel and more!

If you would like to share any heartfelt stories surrounding your "niche" gaming experiences please comment below, we'd love to share them. Whether is be trials you've over came or current struggles you're having now, let us know. We're here for you.

Joe' Game of the Week:

Dragon's Dogma
The intro to Total Control was made by Anime Chris.

You can follow the cast on Twitter:

Total Control: @thetotalcontrol
Azario Lopez: @azariosays
Steve Baltimore: @Steve_Baltimore
Joe Sigadel: @EritachTTV
Tom Tollios: @TomTolios
Benny Carrillo: @TBurningHunter
Featured image by Lymven