Total Control Podcast

Total Control Podcast

Total Control Ep 73: So Berserk, Nintendo and Sony Walk Into a Bar…

May 15, 2016

Welcome to episode 73 of Total Control, oprainfall’s official podcast. Recorded on May 13, join Azario Lopez, Joe Sigidal, Vanille O'Neal, Tom Tolios as they talk about Nintendo's approach to E3 this year, as well as, Sony possibly unveiling the PlayStation 4k. Also discussed, Lunar, Uncharted 4, visual novels, some anime, and lots of other stuff.

Joe's Game of the Week:

Final Fantasy X/X-2

The intro to Total Control was made by Anime Chris.

You can follow the cast on Twitter:

Total Control: @thetotalcontrol
Azario Lopez: @azariosays
Vanille O’Neal: @vanilleoneal
Joe Sigadel: @EritachTTV
Tom Tolios: @TomTolios