Total Health Dentistry with Dr. Ali Farahani

Total Health Dentistry with Dr. Ali Farahani

Ep.16 Welcome to the Total Health Dentistry Podcast

December 26, 2019

Welcome to Total Health Dentistry with Dr.Ali

Don’t know what that is? You’re not alone!

We’ve all heard everything in your body is connected to everything else in your body, so your teeth and gum health is connected to your brain and heart health of course it’s true...but, that’s too vague...I want to uncover the details and fill in the blanks

I’d like to share with you how the idea for this podcast came about - on a daily basis I was having these amazing conversations with my patients talking about everything from teeth to toes and I thought to myself I’m sure thousands upon thousands of other people have the same questions and would love to be fly on the wall and listen the idea of the Total Health Dentistry Podcast came about.

I’m Dr. Ali Farahani, a practicing dentist who has always wondered WHY something happens and what is the root cause of the issue.