TORWars - SWTOR News & Podcast!

TORWars - SWTOR News & Podcast!

TORWars Podcast #167: The Obscure Reference Cast

October 16, 2013

Hello TORWarriors!!!!  Welcome to this episode of the TORWars Podcast #167: The Obscure Reference Cast. The last week has been nothing but a fountain of information coming out of BioWare. Star Wars: The Old Republic is only getting more interesting with news of the “SSSP” coming into the spotlight as SWTOR’s next expansion, “Galactic Starfighter”. I personally can’t help but think of that defunct 80′s movie, The Last Starfighter when I hear the name. Now there’s an obscure 80′s reference for you proving I’m both a nerd and old.

Anyway, on to the show notes!


1. What better way to start off this weeks podcast than with the mention of “Galactic Starfighter”. BioWare’s newest expansion to the SWTOR universe.

â— Star Wars: The Old Republic is adding Player-vs-Player (PvP) combat in the Free-to-Play Digital Expansion: Galactic Starfighter.

- A variety of unique starships

- A wide set of customization and upgrade options

- Multiple battle zones and gameplay modes

- The thrill of epic 12v12 space battles

â— Active Subscribers are offered early access beginning December 3rd, while Preferred Status Players will have access on January 14. It will then be offered as a Free-to-Play Digital Expansion available to the public beginning on February 4. Each group will also receive special in-game items as part of this Early Access opportunity:

â— Subscriber Early Access Rewards (Subscriber Early Access opens December 3, 2013)

- Early Access to “Galactic Starfighter” on December 3

- Exclusive Paint Jobs

- Two Pilot Suits

- Two Titles (“Test Pilot†and “First Galactic Starfighterâ€)

- Subscribers get the maximum leveling and progression benefit (a Starfighter Pass will also be available for purchase in the Cartel Market beginning January 14)

- Active subscribers as of November 1 will receive an exclusive “Galactic Starfighter” early Gunship unlock and custom Gunship paint jobs.

â— Preferred Status players will receive:

- Early Access to “Galactic Starfighter” on January 14

- Two Pilot Suits

- Exclusive Title (“Test Pilotâ€)

2. New York Community Cantina:

â— Contents of the flash drive surfaced and this is what we have:

- Blizz Customization

- Blurrg pet

- Formal Wear

- Infected Wamprat

- Zeldrate Mount

- Custom Paint Jobs for your very own Imperial and Republic Galactic Starfighter Scout Ships

- Some exclusive screen shots and custom wallpapers from the upcoming expansion, “Galactic Starfighter”.

â— TORWars wasn’t able to grab audio this time, but our friend and compatriot, JD (aka Gaddock Teeg) was. You can listen to it here. Some of the things JD chats

- A new race is in developement, but is taking time. As far as its alien-like qualities are concerned, it’s somewhere between a Twi’lek and Cathar. So a “little more alien than Cathar and a little less alien than Twi’lek”, according to JD.

- Class story takes a very long time and is essentially complete. Taking that into consideration, BioWare would rather focus on more story choices in future content.

- Newer events possibly coming in our future.

- Maybe a new holiday event in the future.

- And more….

3. The Upcoming San Francisco Community Cantina

â— We’ll be on the ground covering this event. If you’re planning on attending, let us know! Details can be found here.

Discussion Topic:

This one comes to us from Bmal Suj via our comments system:

I’ve started playing SWTOR just in the last few months here, and discovered your show not that long ago, and I’m really enjoying it.

I have a question, or discussion point perhaps, for your next podcast.

By in large the people in game are nice, or at least respectful of others.  It seems a good community.  But especially in Gen chat… on the fleet… at late night hours… certain people will come out and post the most racist and/or sexist garbage…

Most of the time I feel the need to challenge these people and tell them they’re full of it, tho I don’t usually engage past this point… long drawn out gen-chat arguments seem pointless, although telling someone what they’re saying isn’t “cool” sometimes is…. sometimes it shuts people up and makes them think… sometimes you get a bunch of people agreeing with you (which hopefully makes the dumb person think about their behavior)…

One of the worst examples I’ve ever seen was a few nights ago where someone talked about dead Jews (yes… seriously)…

I’ve heard that when you try to report people for such behavior it usually doesn’t work… I was told the “canned” answer is “turn on your language filter”… tho to be honest I haven’t tried before this guy (and I didn’t hear back on my report, so I don’t know what happened).

Can we have a discussion topic on how to deal with this, other than a simple /ignore, because that doesn’t fix the REAL problem.

Shout Outs:

  2. TORWars Guild
  3. PayPal Donations – Many thanks to Daniel and WoWDane! We truly appreciate your generous donations.
  4. Corellian Run Radio
  5. Werits Blog
  6. Gamersaurs
  7. Walk For Autism Speaks

Give us your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below where we love hearing your voice! To keep informed on what’s going on with the TORWars crew and the various projects we’re working on, you can follow the site on twitter @TORWars. You can also get SWTOR updates and random thoughts from Jeff and myself via twitter @TheGamorrean and @dmariehollis.