The Authentic Man Podcast Series

The Authentic Man Podcast Series

004: Preston Smiles

August 16, 2014

Preston Smiles is a motivational speaker, writer and co-founder of The Love Mob.
Skype interview 13.08.14

What for you is the difference between success and fulfilment?
Preston: Hmmm, they go hand in hand for me. So, the best way I can answer that question is, when I’m in alignment with my true nature – which is love, which is peace, which is joy, which is unity – when I’m in alignment with that, everything is a success and everything feels like I’m fulfilled. So, those things go hand in hand for me.
When you look in the mirror what do you see? 
Preston: When I look in the mirror I see a king. I see spirit, I see made in the image and likeness of God. I see a beautiful, perfect being living in its imperfections.
Sun or the Moon?
Preston: Both. The answer is both.  Which one do I play in more? The Sun – I’m a morning baby. So I really love, early mornings and I really love surfing.
–How early are we talking, 7am?
Preston: Yeah like 5 or 6.
-Wow, that is early
Preston: It is, it is – although I went the other day, no the day before yesterday, I went on a night hike, and I wandered off into – basically some wilderness and I was sitting there with a couple friends, and we were in pitch blackness and it was a Super-moon.  So the moon’s out, it’s gigantic, and then all of a sudden we hear howling, and all of these – like a hundred coyotes were hunting, and they were communicating with each other from across the canyon – and it was this magical experience – we left ‘cos we didn’t want to get eaten by a hundred coyotes, but it was a beautiful experience and I’m going to do it again.
-Wow, and where was that?
 Preston: This was at Griffith Park in Los Angeles, California.
Can you give me one moment in your life, that if you absolutely had to, you would live over and over again? 
Preston: If I absolutely had to – woah, that’s an absolutely fantastic question. I’ve never in my life been asked that, in that way.  There was a moment, when I was travelling a couple years ago through Panama, where I was hiking through the jungle.  I was about an hour in and it was raining, but it was sunny and it’s jungle so you could barely see to the sun but it was raining, I had mud up to my knees, and I got to this clearing, right where I was going to go surfing and I looked – and all I saw was a sea of green, moving up and down like a wave across the jungle.  And I couldn’t… I wiped my eyes and I was like, what am I seeing?  And as I focused in a little more I realised that I was looking at like one trillion leafcutter ants moving from one house to another. So it was like literally the floor – just imagine the entire ground was moving, it was like a sea of green – trillions of ants – moving their house – in the middle of the jungle, and I was the only person there to see it.  And it just blew me away that, that this was my life, that this kid – you know basically born in Compton California – is now in the jungle about to go surfing, looking at millions of leafcutter ants, while it’s raining and sunny, and he’s in the jungle. I would live that over again.
What’s your definition of Manhood?
Preston: My definition of manhood is, being able to dance between the masculine and the feminine when necessary.
Cats or Dogs?