The Authentic Man Podcast Series

The Authentic Man Podcast Series

003: Mark Manson

June 03, 2014

Mark Manson is a well-known and respected author, entrepreneur, blogger, self-confessed psychology nerd, world traveller and former dating coach.
Skype interview 28.05.14


How important is your work to who you are as an individual?
Mark: I think it’s huge, I think if you think about our identities, our identities are very important to us and a large chunk of our identity is composed of what we spend our time doing everyday. And, I think if you’re in a job or work that you’re not completely aligned with, that doesn’t align with your values or that you don’t enjoy, that you’re not passionate about or that you don’t feel strongly about – that is reflected in your identity, that’s reflected in how you feel about yourself.  I mean if you think about it, if you’re spending 50% of your waking hours doing something that you don’t believe in and that you don’t feel good about then that’s you know, essentially 50% or a large chunk of your identity that you don’t feel good about. So, I think it’s huge and it’s a very fundamental thing for men to evaluate in themselves, you know, beyond just getting the pay cheque or whatever.
If in 10 years time, you could see one difference in yourself, what would it be?
Mark: Something I’d like to change in myself in the next ten years – well, I’m still – I’m 30 so, one big thing for me, and this is something that I, it’s something that I’m just starting, and I’m sure a lot of people can relate to this but I would like to be calmer in ten years.  I’ve spent a lot of time feeling like I always need to accomplish something else, that I need to travel to more places, make more money and do these amazing things and have more friends and it’s – I feel myself slowly letting go of that and I feel like you know, by the time I’m 40 or so I would like to just be very comfortable and calm with who I am and what my life is and not feel like I need to constantly add stuff to it all the time.
Fill in the blanks… If I didn’t have _____ life so far would have been a lot harder.
Mark: If I didn’t have the willingness to fail, then life ironically would have be much harder.
-Have you failed at a lot of things?
Mark: Oh yah! The interview’s not long enough for that!
One thing you will never compromise on?
Mark:  My dignity and my self-respect
Sky or Ocean?
Mark: I’ll go with ocean
Mark: I love swimming, I love the beach – I’m afraid of heights!
If you could hold one person’s hand, between both of yours – perhaps someone you’ve met or someone you haven’t – and send them an abundant amount of thanks simply for being who they are, who would it be?
Mark: I would actually say my father. Although it’s interesting because it’s  – he’s been a good example in some ways but I’ve always had a very strained relationship with him and I think that strained relationship has been very educational.  Not just from ways I look up to him and good examples he can set, but also in ways that I don’t want to become and I don’t want to be. Dealing with that conflict and dealing with that struggle – and he tries so hard but like it just doesn’t, it just doesn’t click.  So I would like to honour that.  Because you know, it’s an imperfect relationship and it probably always will be but it’s made me who I am.
What percentage of your friends have seen you at both your emotional lowest and highest?
Mark:  I would say about – I’m thinking about you kn...