Top Marketing Strategies Podcast

Top Marketing Strategies Podcast

TMS004: Using Fresh Content for More Links and More Traffic

January 03, 2013

In this episode we continue our series on the Top 10 marketing strategies today and explore the role of fresh content in your marketing efforts.

There have been a lot of changes this year in SEO and Google’s algorithms, but the need for quality unique content has always been there. But is it enough to just have quality unique content? Or do you need to have “fresh” content as well?

We talk about this in-depth in this episode and also give you a lot of suggestions on how to create that content as well.

UPDATE: The Top Marketing Strategies podcast is now LIVE in iTunes – subscribe here.

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Download: tms004.mp3

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In This Episode

  • We talk about whether or not we actually need fresh content
  • We discuss the various algorithm updates targeting fresh content
  • We talk about what to do if you’ve already got great rankings with stale content
  • We discuss the need to write for your readers, not for Google
  • We point out the importance of user engagement and the role that fresh content serves
  • It’s not just about rankings – it’s about engagement
  • Content is not just “writing” – we talk about the multi-channel content options you have
  • We give you a bunch of examples for how to come up with ideas on what to write about
  • We discuss using random thoughts and blurbs to engage and get fresh content out there
  • We talk about opening up a bit to your audience and letting them get to know you
  • We discuss how you can use product reviews to create additional content for your site
  • We talk about all of the benefits of fresh content including long-tail keyword rankings,  keeping your readers engaged, creating more exposures and marketing opportunities, enhancing your social presence and building out your site authority and footprint
  • We talk about how you can be an authority by having a voice and having something to say
  • We discuss how you can leverage outsourcing intelligently to boost your content creation

Our Pick the Brain Segment

To submit your question to Mike and Troy, go to  That will tie into this “Pick the Brain” segment where you’ll be able to submit questions to us for possible inclusion on the podcast.

We can’t promise you that your question will be featured on our “Pick the Brain” segment, but you never know!

It all depends on YOU – so make sure an get involved and go to and submit your questions that you’d like us to address!

In this Episode’s Pick the Brain Segment

  • We talk about whether or not you should create a generic or branded domain name

We get this question all the time and so we wanted to take some time and give you our take on how to select a domain name that maximizes your options. Do you create a generic domain? Do you create a product specific domain name? Or do you go the individual/personal branding route and use your name for the domain name? We discuss all of these options and give you our take.

Action Items from this Episode

  • Publishing frequency depends on your niche and your readers – find what works for you
  • Find some creative ways to create more content without creating more work leveraging a multi-channel approach
  • Find a way of leveraging video in your content creation
  • Get your content into more channels and more social circles

Resources Applicable to this Episode

  • Our Insider’s Club
  • Our new resource

  • Building Authority Sites - Although not referenced in the podcast, Building Authority Sites is a full-featured course that is very content centric and will help you build the authority and footprint of your site for expertise positioning and increased traffic and revenue
  • - If you need help getting more content to your site, check out our services – blogging, curated content, product reviews and large authority content – we’ve got you covered.


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