The Topics in Radiography Podcast

The Topics in Radiography Podcast

TIR008 Q&A: How to Deal with Technologists you Don’t get Along with

August 22, 2015

Working in a healthcare environment can be stressful at times, not to mention if you are new to the environment and trying to learn.  Students often approach me with questions about how to handle their clinical environment when they are assigned to technologists they don't always get along with and/or may negatively influence their learning environment.

In this episode, I will answer some student-based questions about getting along with technologists in the clinical settings (could be useful for any technologist too) and I'll discuss:

* Difficult encounters/personalities
* How to focus on the reason you are there
* Why you are NOT there (several reasons)
* How it is possible to work well with people you may not like
* How professional respect is different than friendship
* How social is "too social" in the workplace
* What to do if you experience conflict
* Who to (and who not to) contact when you need intervention
* When to reach out for help
* My tips on effectively managing conflict

Side Note:

Guys and gals, podcasting is fun for me to produce, but it takes a lot of time and effort, which seems to be slim for me these days.  If I'm not working my primary job as a manager (salaried), then I'm working on curriculum and content for my classes at Mesa College.  I don't contribute to this website nearly as much as I would like to, but I do use it occasionally as a resource for my students, and I hope to make it a resource to the entire imaging community in some way.  In order for me to be successful in doing that, I need to know how you prefer to digest your information.  My analytics only tell me how people find me via social media and/or search engines, but what I really need to know is how you prefer to receive and digest the information I put out there.  If you wouldn't mind, please take 10 seconds to let me know how you prefer to get your radiography-based information from me here:

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