Too Macabre Ladies

Too Macabre Ladies

Episode 13: Egg Salad

January 19, 2018

Who killed Anne Barber Dunlap? Porscha and Lisa investigate confirmed and imagined timelines in the 1996 unsolved murder in Minnesota -- and probably make strong political foes while speculating on “There, Solved It!” (a brand new fishbowel addition). Was it her husband? Or…..was it her husband?

Things unravel from there. Lisa dives into the rabbit hole of google search results for “disembowelment” -- prompting incredulity, fun facts about mayhem, and disputes on medical realities -- and makes way too many Scream jokes (much to Porscha’s dismay). The discussion becomes “F the Patriarchy: Part 2” when discussing the story of the Florida man who manually disemboweled his girlfriend in 2015.

Theme: Stomach Contents.