Todd Talk Radio

Todd Talk Radio

Episode 67 - Portals of the 4th Dimension

February 28, 2014

Todd and Dr. Anna are on a roll now! Another show full of wisdom and life antidotes to easily and effortlessly meet the energies of the 4th Dimension.

As we consciously decide to leave the 3rd Dimension behind, we realize higher consciousness is actually waiting for us. Why wait any longer, we can start now! We can raise our vibration and tap into the portals of the 4th Dimension today. Why not?

Take a minute and think of the great minds, the geniuses of times past. Consider the individuals who demonstrated incredible talents like scientists, philosophers and artists. How did they tap into their creative intelligence?

Taking their lead we can go within, searching for answers and solutions. It will take practice, trust and time to dig far enough within the inner self to uncover the multidimensional beings of talent that we are.

Start by thinking of your mind as having portals or entry ways into an inner sanctuary where wisdom and long-lost knowing reside. This is where you can set your mind aside for a few moments in order to explore your intuitive nature.

You've done it before. Remember the last time you came up with a brilliant idea, as if it were magic? Grab that! Grab that feeling! Know that feeling! Ride the wave of that feeling you experienced in that moment. Brilliant really, and easy enough as you recollect these moments you've experienced before.

Are you perhaps a bit lost, confused or maybe you need a little more direction? You can always experience a personal channeling session with Todd and Dr. Anna. Go to www.AwakenToThe Shift for more information.

All channeling fees received will go towards our current donation fund drive for equipment and software expenses incurred creating Todd Talk TV.  So set up an appointment and donate today!