Todd Talk Radio

Todd Talk Radio

Episode 65 - Q & A Time

February 21, 2014

Q & A Time is your hour. Your time, your chance, to talk to Todd and Dr. Anna about any questions you have about The Shift!

Todd and Dr. Anna rose to the occasion answering various questions about The Shift in Consciousness. Be sure to tune-in to this Episode to hear the responses to questions such as:

"I'm a newbie, please explain exactly what "The Shift" means?"

"About "The Panel", will they tell you when the showing will be. Why don't they do it right now?"

"What will the World be like after the showing by "The Panel"?"

These are only a few of the various questions submitted by our listening audience from beginner/newbie to the veteran/knowing, throughout the Month of February.

Be sure to go to www.AwakenToThe and peruse the different web pages. Notice the different aspects and topics blogged about. You will also notice the Forum and information having to do with Todd Talk Radio and our most recent endeavor, Todd Talk TV.

As we evolve and SHIFT from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th, our ultimate goal is to create "Mystery Schools". Currently we are also holding our first fundraising drive.

If you have benefitted form the work we are doing and the material resonates with you, please consider a generous donation to help us help Humanity to the most exciting times ever experienced on a Global scale.

Before you leave the site, be sure to go to the "Contact" page and submit the question or questions you would most like to have answered for the next Q & A Episode.