Todd Talk Radio

Todd Talk Radio

Episode 63 - A Way OUT of a Limited Subconscious Mind

February 13, 2014

Recognizing the Magical, Mystical being that you are is required in order to realize a way out of the subconscious mind.

You will begin to notice a pattern here that Todd and Dr. Anna are shaping. This pattern is meant to release old beliefs that no longer serve. The first of which is to raise your personal vibration by eliminating fear.

As we begin to experience more and more of the upcoming Earth changes, we can choose being thrilled, chilled and excited rather than choosing the more mundane responses of limited thoughts, causing fear. We can choose to ease into the changes effortlessly. We can choose to believe and develop the Spiritual Beings we are. We can tap into the mystical powers available to us, like telepathy, or like manifesting, trusting and relying upon gut instincts and vibes.

These magical, mystical abilities we have all experienced from time to time. You may have even been awed by the magical results of life being perfectly aligned, in an almost seamless manner.

That's the good news. You have had the experience. You have felt the energy of the higher consciousness that you are. Now all you have to do is fine tune them. Sharpen and hone in on these life skills.

To learn more on how to fine tune and hone in on what may feel like illusive life skills go to www.AwakenToThe  Sign up for our Ebook, "The 7 Secrets To Creating Soul Mastery In Your Life" co-authored by Todd and Dr. Anna. It's FREE!

We were experiencing technical difficulties after the break, and did not return, but here's the first 21 minutes - Enjoy