Todd Talk Radio

Todd Talk Radio

Episode 61 - Special Guest Nick Bernabe and the March Against Monsanto

February 07, 2014

Thank you Nick Bernabe for being a very informative representative for the "March Against Monsanto".

Nick shared a plethora of information; a handful of interesting facts and statistics involved with GMO's and Monsanto. Nick refers to Monsanto as an Octopus. The vision that comes to mind is a slimy, sticky mass with elongated arms and pointy tentacles, full of current issues and concerns flopping and extending outward everywhere.

Be informed on the whys and hows of becoming involved in order to keep the pressure on Monsanto! We need to continue demanding that our food be as clean as possible or at least labelled properly. We need to be the voice for the recent reductions in the bee population due to these food pesticides. We need to stand up against polluting Gaia with GMO's which leak and contaminate the soil, disturbing the growth of the next planting cycle.

These are just a few of the topics touched upon. Enjoy listening to this Episode and learning about how many of us take the time and energy to become involved in making a positive difference on the planet.

Many organizations are making inroads in their chosen quest. Get involved too, join an activist group, connect with and be part of a desperately needed support system. Unite with these melting pots of individuals creating change.

Join a community poised to make a difference in the World, like the Awaken to the Shift Community. Click www.AwakenToTheShift.comand ask how you can become involved with the "Mystery Schools International" today.

Together we can do so much more.