Todd Talk Radio

Todd Talk Radio

Episode 57 Alchemy - Sacred Mysteries

January 24, 2014

Hang on, this episode is chock full of practical information on Alchemy. Todd and Dr. Anna share the origin, history and the holistic aspects.

Topics covered include...
- Thoth, the Father of Alchemy
- Metal to Gold transformations
- Physical, Mental and Spiritual transformations
- Alchemical process of plants, water and metals
- Jungs influence
- Emerald Tablet "As above, so below"
- The celestial influences and birth charts
- Prima Materia
- Law of Hermetics
- Law of Polarity

Such a plethora of information AND there is so much more to it! Todd defines Alchemy as a "Celestial Agriculture" - which is in a constant state of evolving and transforming.

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