Todd Talk Radio

Todd Talk Radio

Episode 56 - Ego and Channeled Messages

January 21, 2014

Oh, how we love our clients, they are such an inspiration! They act like sponges with eyes as big as saucers while seeking out information about The Shift. This week a gentlemen came in and very astutely summarized... "Truth has to be researched everyday!"

A perfect segway for our topic: "Ego and Channeled Messages".

We are all doing our best, although some of us could do better. There are various reason why we struggle when making our everyday life choices. Life seems to be unnecessarily tedious, even for those we may look up to and aspire to.

There's no way around it given the messages, life experiences and indoctrination we have been exposed to. No one is exempt, we will all struggle. Some less than others as we grasp the bigger picture of this very exciting game of life we are participating in.

Again and again, Todd and Dr. Anna cannot express enough the importance of paying very close attention to the life choices in front of you. Living life to the fullest, filled with an abundance of joyful bliss, is always dependent upon the relentless dedicated focus on the details.

The Ego will always try to take over, always trying to influence even the basics of decisions. Ego is always willing to take the easy route and more often then not we will "rationalize IT out" and settle for that easy route.

Consider the joy, peace and radiant bliss that you have, or don't have. Taking on the personal responsibility for what we create requires an ever watchful eye on all the influences that can make a difference in our lives... especially the individuals we look up to.

Are you ready to be a sponge with eyes as big as saucers while seeking out information about The Shift? Go to today.