Todd Talk Radio

Todd Talk Radio

Episode 53 - Message From The Panel of Galactic Beings of Light

January 08, 2014

The Panel prepares us for 2014!

People don't realize how big The Shift truly is and what is required to ascend to the 4th Dimension. Gaia's energies continue to vibrate higher. These energies are encouraging us to tap into our Spirit selves. To build up the strength and courage to take the initiative for the life we choose to create.

Creating our lives does not mean accepting the status quo as is. Leaving our emotional baggage behind is required in order to gracefully flow with the higher light energies. For ultimately, we will be pure light, the pure potential we were meant to be.

The Panel wants us to know that we will finally unleash our natural creative abilities. We will begin to utilize the right side of our brain which has virtually remained dormant due to hundreds of years of left brain indoctrination by the Dark. The result will include the ability to manifest a life of abundance, as we uncover and discover our passions and our purpose.

Hard to believe we are in the middle of an energy shift the likes of which has never been experienced on our Planet. Just like anything else that is new and difficult to grasp, many will dig their heels in and resist. They will resist and insist they aren't going to do what is required. Understand, this is a choice. A choice based on personal experiences required for their Souls growth.

For the rest of us, we will begin to see life from a whole new perspective. We will embrace the exciting times before us while watching the Planet push through the chaos and unrest necessary to ascend.

What will you manifest? More Dark or more Light in your life?

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