Todd Talk Radio

Todd Talk Radio

Episode 52 - Are You Prepared for The Shift?

January 03, 2014

You won't want to miss this Episode! The first portion addresses several questions that were E-mailed in. These questions represent the every day Q & A for those who are grappling with what may feel like an overwhelming task of understanding The Shift in Consciousness.

During the second half of the show, Todd and Dr. Anna uncover how to discern the difference between being prepared for The Shift and thinking you are prepared. In this Episode you will be able to recognize the difference between continuing to vibrate in the 3rd Dimension and the moment or moments when you transcend into the vibration of the 4th Dimension.

Instead of having a foot and a half in the 3rd Dimension, grab onto your Higher Power and firmly plant a foot and half in the 4th Dimension and stay there!

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