Todd Talk Radio

Todd Talk Radio

Episode 44 - Suzanne Ward and "Other Sources"

December 04, 2013

Suzy Ward --a plethora of information!

December 2013 marks ten years that Suzy has been channeling her son Matthew, God and other sources. She has gained a wealth of information which has been transcribed into several books, the first of which is entitled... "Matthew, Tell Me About Heaven.

Suzy delved deeply into the current global shifts that are going on. She confirms how we indeed are not alone. Advanced civilizations, the Extraterrestrials, have been assisting Earth by cleaning up the waters of both the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as well as the nuclear contamination of Fukushima. The ET's also have "orders" to neutralize all nuclear war heads.

These orders come from the Creator, ruler of the Cosmos, in what Suzy described as "an edict from the Creator". Though we have safety interventions from these "other sources", they will not impinge on our Law Of Free Will. We, as a collective, are responsible and accountable for the environment we create all of which is culminating into The Shift in consciousness and the Ascension.

Passionately, Suzy encourages being mind-full of how powerful our thoughts can be. To be aware of the positive or negative ripple affect thoughts can have on the collective. Her first and last words were to remind us to focus on forgiveness, gratitude, peace... all things that are Love. Do not underestimate the power of a simple smile shared and it's energetic affect on the giver as well as the receiver.