TNSradio | Punk Podcast

TNSradio | Punk Podcast

Latest Episodes

S3 Episode 40 – TNS Radio Punk Podcast
November 25, 2015

This week Ben and Pete play some bands from recent gigs they've been to and gigs they are going to. Some bands were picked at random in a section now called "Discover new music with Ben and Pete".

S3 Episode 39 – TNS Radio Punk Podcast
November 18, 2015

Moz and Mike return to discuss why Mark Twain is a bell-end, and why Phil “Philthy Animal” Taylor was a worthy winner of the BBC’s Sports Personality of the Year. The clue is, he has a personality, unlike that mopey twat who plays tennis.

S3 Episode 38 – TNS Radio Punk Podcast
October 29, 2015

In a desperate bid for originality, this week Scott and Ricky get together to play their favourite live recordings of big bands. It turned out great!

S3 Episode 37 – TNS Radio Punk Podcast
October 21, 2015

Ben and Pete present a load of ace songs and talk through the final line-up of Pie Race Festival 2015 in Leeds.

S3 Episode 36 – TNS Radio Punk Podcast
October 15, 2015

Moz and Mike return with songs that are loved by all. Show is dedicated to Steve Mackay of Stooges fame, who died on the day the podcast was recorded. It's then dedicated to the guy who played Mackay in Porridge, because he's also dead.

S3 Episode 35 – TNS Radio Punk Podcast
October 07, 2015

Bev & Andy both had a busy weekend of gigs. As they creep through their hangovers they also tell you about TNS's plans for NYE and MPF.

S3 Episode 34 – TNS Radio Punk Podcast
October 02, 2015

This week Ricky has somehow wandered into the realm of recording drunk punks at a manchester gig. Boldly thrusting his microphone of ignorance into the face of stupidity, he got drunk and did some talking about tigers and porphyria.

S3 Episode 33 – TNS Radio Punk Podcast
September 22, 2015

This week Em and Fizzy tackle gender, race and class discrimination and at the same time play songs by Chief, Random Hand, Perfect Pussy and Sonic Boom Six. There's also information for whoever is interested in donating to the Calais refugee camp.

S3 Episode 32 – TNS Radio Punk Podcast
September 15, 2015

This week Ben and Pete talk about Pie Race, MPF and play some killer tunes. The conversation takes a serious turn when the T-Rex enters the room.

S3 Episode 31 – TNS Radio Punk Podcast
September 09, 2015

This week's show is dedicated to Rico Rodriquez, legendary trombone player who worked with The Specials amongst others. Moz and Mike run through a few of his numbers as well as some other good songs.