Tech, No Babel: Church video and graphic design tips

Tech, No Babel: Church video and graphic design tips

Troubleshooting techniques: What it can do and what it’s designed to | Tech, No Babel - Tech, No Babel: Church video and graphic design tips

October 08, 2015

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On today's Tech, No Babel: Troubleshooting techniques: What it can do and what it's designed to

It's valuable to know everything a piece can do, even if it's not designed to do it. When you're troubleshooting, you should check if the system depends on making a piece of equipment do something it's not supposed to do because sometimes that will cause a failure later.

Other times, by stretching the capabilities of a piece, you can do more than your budget allows. The trade out is that sometimes it won't be as stable as the right piece or sometimes you'll spend more time and effort making the wrong piece work than buying the right piece. So, do the research to see which is the case.

For more, watch the video.

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About this show:
Tech, No Babel is a weekly podcast premiering every Thursday at 11a eastern (-4 UTC), 8a pacific on Watch it and join the chat then.

But, if you miss the live show, I'll put up the edited show later (usually on the same day) right here.

If you do video or graphic design to advance your church's mission, this show is for you.
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