TNERDT - Nerds Talking Tech, Sci Fi, Comics and Pop Culture

TNERDT - Nerds Talking Tech, Sci Fi, Comics and Pop Culture

Ep 67: Hulk VS Doomsday

March 26, 2015

We discuss and go over some possible Daredevil villains for the upcoming Netflix season , Robert Downey Jr. aka Iron Man gives a boy in need a prosthetic arm and melts our hearts. Jesse Eisenberg has been announced as Lex Luthor in the upcoming Batman Vs. Superman movie, we then discuss if this is a good choice and what it may bring to the movie. Chris gives us the possibility of a flying car in our future. Pacific Rim will be making its comic book mini series debut. The X-Files will be making a six episode return after 13 years! The legendary comic book series Lazarus will be coming to a television to you soon. Batman has a new suit and we discuss what it mean. With some feedback from our generals we find out that Idris Elba is in talks to play the next Star Trek 3 villain. We then go over what is our favorite cartoon series of all time. And last but not least if Hulk versed Doomsday, who wins and who loses in this epic battle.


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