The Terri Levine Show

The Terri Levine Show

100- Terri Levine - Get Social with Gia Heller

November 02, 2014

Gia Heller began using social media in 1995 to jump-start her social life. Ten years later, she had expanded her network to her real estate business. Using only social media, she was able to turn the trust and credibility she earned with her clients into millions of dollars’ worth of property sales. As former Marketing & Research Director at CB Richard Ellis, her marketing background is long proven.

When Gia first recognized that Facebook could be used to promote business and establish brand loyalty with customers, people ridiculed her. Today Gia has the last laugh: Fortune 500 companies and small businesses alike have come to use Facebook for branding and advertising.

Gia has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how to maximize their Facebook marketing. She has created a collaborative community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are committed to promoting within the network. Her mission is to empower over one million entrepreneurs with the skills they need to succeed!