The Terri Levine Show

The Terri Levine Show

96- Terri Levine - The Renaissance Man Dr. Steve Taubman

October 03, 2014

Dr. Steve’s varied and unusual background has earned him the accolade Renaissance Man. He’s gained success as a physician, entertainer, trainer, and author of the #1 self-help bestseller, UnHypnosis, in which he teaches individuals to reinvent their lives. In 1982, Steve graduated valedictorian from New York Chiropractic College and ran a successful practice in Vermont while building a strong network marketing business with nutritional products.

In 1990, Steve taught himself magic and began performing at corporate events and resorts throughout the United States while simultaneously running his practice. Between 1990 and 1996, Steve earned acclaim for his corporate presentations, performing for companies like IBM, GE, Saturn Corporation, Inc. Magazine, and many others. In 1996, Steve sold his practice and traveled to Central America for an extended stay.

Upon return to the United States, Steve studied hypnosis with Dr. Scott McFall and began performing his Hypnosis Extravaganza at colleges and resorts throughout the United States and the Caribbean, with regular performances at Beaches and Sandals, the number one family and couples resorts in the world. He was also featured on MSNBC for his performance at Spring Break in Negril, Jamaica. While gaining popularity for his high energy performances, Steve began a study of mindfulness, which continues to this day.

He’s taught many others to meditate and to bring spiritual principles to life. Steve’s passion for network marketers and sales professionals, and their emphasis on personal growth, inspired him to develop the powerful presentations he now brings to progressive organizations worldwide.

His excitement, motivation, and enthusiasm have earned him fans worldwide while his entertaining programs continue to impact young and old alike; helping them clarify and achieve their dreams. It is Steve’s belief that everyone has a gift waiting to be discovered and unleashed, and it is his mission to help people find that inner calling. Steve lives with his dog, Woody, on the waterfront in Burlington, Vermont.

He enjoys skiing, biking, flying, playing guitar, and pursuing his spiritual development. For more information, please visit