The TJ Thompson Experience

The TJ Thompson Experience

TJTE #01 - Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl)

March 05, 2015

This Is The Return Show!!!

On this episode of "The TJ Thompson Experience", I welcome Michelle Ray ( Radio Host, Social Media Consultant, Bitcoin Evangelist, and the busiest woman in all of Social Media!

Not only is she a Publishing Editor for (, but she also hosts "In Deep with Michelle Ray" ( on FTR Radio Thursday nights at 9pm ET, as well as "The Gulch Cast" ( on Vigilant Liberty Radio Sunday nights at 11pm ET.  She is also the Social Media Coordinator for Airbitz Bitcoin Wallet ( (@airbitz ( on Twitter), as well as a free market activist.

We discuss bitcoin: What is it?  Where did it come from?  Where is it going?  Why is it important?  We also discuss her involvement in the introduction of the Employee Rights Act in Washington state (, and why it may become the model for ballot initiatives around the nation.

Lastly, we dip our toes into the 2016 speculation pool for both Republicans and Democrats.

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