Tiny Conversations

Tiny Conversations

29 – Doing Purposeful Work with Ainsley Monro

August 30, 2016

On this episode of Tiny Conversations I talk to Ainsley Monro about doing purposeful work and some of the barriers to that work.

Since she was four-years-old Ainsley has been trying to lead grassroots movements to affect change. Starting with a kindergarten trash pick-up Ainsley has moved on to work with organizations like Katimavik and The Otesha Project. Now Ainsley dreams of building community spaces and hosting YouTube channels that get young Canadians involved in politics.
In this episode Ainsley and I discuss why this kind of work is so important to her and what barriers she is facing. We explore topics like brainstorming, idea sharing, and creating online identities.
What kind of work are you trying to do, and what barriers are you facing? Comment below, send me an email, or tweet @briancauley.

Ainsley currently works for the David Suzuki Foundation in Toronto. She tweets @SpeakingSpark and posts videos on YouTube under the same name. You can listen to our full conversation here:
Our theme music is provided by Broke for Free.