Timey-Wimey TV » podcast

Timey-Wimey TV » podcast

Episode 89: Thanks to Doctor Who, We Meet “Robot of Sherwood” and Learn to “Listen”!

September 19, 2014

Hey friends! CHECK IT. This week, which includes a check-in on the final compilations of the Doctor Who novellas, Liz and Rudy catch up on the last two episodes of Doctor Who! What did they enjoy about Robin Hood's modern-ish adventures? What did they think of Clara's involvement? Were both Liz and Rudy given opportunity to attempt Alan Rickman impressions? The answer to that last question is yes, but you KNOW you wanna know the answer!

And also, we talk about "Listen" -- because, man, geez. We have thoughts about "Listen." Everyone does. Everyone should. It's too interesting not to talk about! As you did, via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google Plus or email. Keep it up, please and thank you! It keeps us from doing things like traveling into your past and scarring you for life. Not that we would ever do that...