Timey-Wimey TV » podcast

Timey-Wimey TV » podcast

Ep. 87: Take a “Deep Breath,” Doctor Who Brought Us Back!

August 29, 2014

Did you miss us? We missed you! And we also missed Doctor Who! Which is why Liz and Rudy have returned to this humble podcast to evaluate our new Doctor and his latest adventure!

In today's episode (please excuse a few seconds of static), explaining where they've been and catching up on some basic news (some of it more adult than the rest), it's time to discuss Peter Capaldi rampaging through Victorian London after a dinosaur and some very familiar-looking robots.

What do you think of all this? Tell us! As always, we're on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google Plus or email! Hope you've been well, the last few months, and looking forward to a full season of fun!