Tiddlywinks With Strangers

Tiddlywinks With Strangers

I Was Only In It For The Gi

June 12, 2020

It’s been 4 months since a Winks graced your life. We took a break from the world just like everyone else but we know that you depend on Tiddlywinks With Strangers to be a constant force in your life. We’re back and even though we’re in the twilight of our career we hope we can make you laugh still. Join us for a Herb-centric episode with the Condor as you learn why he only enrolled in karate for one day and why he remade a movie scene classic in his own twisted vision. So ride on your mower for hours to avoid doing meth tonight....on da Wiiiinks!! ( Original intro music by Animationee Studios - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCthj7N9-PUeUehTUxQ8f73A)