Tiddlywinks With Strangers

Tiddlywinks With Strangers

A Peep While You’re Peein’ AKA Ahhh! Barry! What Are Ya Doin’ Ta Meee?!?!

February 14, 2020

The Winks returns for a traditional fuckin’ Frideey show. The fellas sit down and settle in for the night as they share tales with themselves and you, the listener, that you may learn a lesson from. Most likely you’ll just be disappointed in these young men like you have been for three years now. So break bread with the boys as they share their bad decisions. Laugh and cry and use a Dixie cup for your own emergency tonight...on da Wiiiinks!!! (Intro and Outro original theme music composed by Animationee - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCthj7N9-PUeUehTUxQ8f73A )