Tiddlywinks With Strangers

Tiddlywinks With Strangers

Stewing About Seaman’s

September 20, 2019

The Winks is back on a Frideey where it belongs! Join Herb and the Condor this evening for a brand new episode of nonsense. Tonight the fellas dish out three more tales for your eager ears. First up is another installment in a classic Winks segment featuring a well known Tiddlywinks With Strangers character. Then Condor keeps it going with the story of a bridesmaid who went too far. It all ends with the story of Disaster Dave and the Fellowship of the Frosted Tips. So wonder what’s inside your backpack of mystery tonight...on da Wiiiinks!!! (Edit: please excuse us this week as we experienced some audio problems with our phone call. We apologize for some broken audio. It also sounds like I have a hilarious lisp the whole time so that’s good for the funny.)