Thumb and Hammer Home Improvement Podcast

Thumb and Hammer Home Improvement Podcast

Ep 42: As Seen on TV- Stuff infomercials sold me

October 01, 2020

There was a time, before Netflix and other streaming services, that some of the only entertainment available in the wee hours of the morning was the infomercial. These half hour programs designed to sell you something that you didn't know you wanted or needed until they told you that you did.

And some of these advertisements worked on me, for better or for worse.

In the interest of decluttering and downsizing and general financial stuff, I would like to share with you some of the purchases I made over the years either directly from an infomercial, or inspired by an infomercial.

CORRECTION: In the episode, I mistakenly refer to a product as the "5-minute Workout". The correct name of the product is "10 Minute Trainer."