The Thriving Abroad Podcast

The Thriving Abroad Podcast

Latest Episodes

Resilient Global Transitions: Replenishing Resilience in Challenging Times
May 28, 2020

The Thriving Abroad Together podcast series has focused on how best to support ourselves, our partners, families and colleagues through challenging times, with particular focus on the challenges associated with the current Covid-19 pandemic.

The Brain Gym: Fun Ways to Find Calm and Focus In Challenging Expat Times
May 20, 2020

Florence talks to Louise about the Brain Gym and how it has supported her family through their recent transition, made as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic

Generation Mobility: A Collaborative Vision for Expat Support
May 18, 2020

If we are all learning one thing through this current pandemic, connection and collaboration is at the heart of much of the amazing support and community spirit that is popping up around the world. But this is something that probably doesn’t surprise t...

Strategies for Creating Impactful Outcomes in Challenging Times for Women Leaders
May 13, 2020

Leaders around the world are being challenged to help teams find new ways of working effectively while social distancing as a way of keeping us all safe and well. But is social distancing, the correct terminology and is it what we are really wanting to...

Expat Health Fundamentals: Enhancing Wellbeing Through Fitness and Nutrition
May 09, 2020

How is your exercise and nutrition plan going in lock down? I know, it can be tough to keep on track when we are feeling the impact of the current crisis. I’m a bit of a comfort eater and working from home means I have to exercise some serious control ...

Finding the Lessons in Adversity
May 06, 2020

In the UK, the government is beginning to talk about the ‘next steps’ as ‘r’ falls below 1 and we begin, thankfully, to see a reduction in the death rate from Covid -19 infections. There is talk of a five step plan for getting us ‘back to normality’.

Embracing Mindfulness to Calm Expat Minds In Chaotic Times
May 03, 2020

Mindfulness is a practice I have been grappling with for a while now. I say grappling because sometimes it can be difficult in this highly charged and busy life to find time to simply stop and focus on the present moment.

Keeping Your Emotions in Motion and Other Great Strategies to Support Expats Through Lockdown
April 28, 2020

As expats and repats, we are used to coping with uncertainty. I remember a number of times while living abroad, when I felt as though my life were totally in the hands of other people. It did not feel good. And I vowed to never let that happen again.

Writing Through Challenging Times: The Benefits and How to Get Going
April 24, 2020

‘Writers Retreat’ the ad said. I envisioned blue skies and crystal-clear waters on some remote island. Sadly, thanks to current requirements for physical distancing, the retreat was taking place online, hosted through Facebook. I hesitated.