Travel Hacking

Travel Hacking

5: Credit Karma & an empowering conversation with Chris Cerrone, host of the Cerrone Show

April 09, 2014

Would you turn down a life changing job in a new city that could have been a game changer financially for you and your family? What if you've never been on a honeymoon with you wife?

Join us in this episode for an empowering conversation with my main man Chris Cerrone, host of the Cerrone Show, as he shares with us an intimate story of his own personal journey to Italy with his wife.

Shout Outs

To Alaska Airline's new self-tag express service beginning April 21, 2014
To Paul Colaianni, host of The Overwhelmed Brain podcast, a podcast about personal growth for critical thinkers.

Travel Hacking Tips in 90 Seconds or Less!

Since in previous episodes, I've shared with you a few credit card opportunities, I wanted to spend today going over some safety and preventative measures so that, while you're pursuing your travel hacking endeavors, you're doing it responsibly and mindfully.
Featured Tip: Credit Karma is a new way to track your credit score it's truly free credit score with no hidden costs or obligations.

Here are some highlights mentioned:

Your credit score is your golden ticket!
Credit Karma provides excellent content to teach you about your credit score.
They also have an app for your phone so you'll know what's going on with your credit score in real-time and on-demand.

Featured Guest: Chris Cerrone

Chris is, at the core, simply a family man. He turned down a "crazy and awesome job in New York" to sit in his room and talk to us over the internet.
Inspirational Travel Quote

"People fire themselves." -Chris's Dad

"When people fire themselves, they set their own limitations"

The Moment That Finally Propelled Chris To Travel

Chris shares about how he got laid off from his job and decided to go on a real vacation in over 10 years. Also, personally, he and his wife had never been on a honeymoon so they decided that "if they don't do this now, when are they ever going to do it?"

"It's time to take care of ourselves and so we did"

Life Changing Epiphanies

"There's something magical and different when you go out of the country, away from America, and you experience the culture and all these different stuff like the food."

"Once we were there, like I felt like I had been living there my whole life, it just clicks and something happens and you just start doing it."

Final Parting Words For the Travel Community

"Do not, by all means, think twice about traveling out of the country."

Thank you Chris for spending the time to chat with us about your experience in Italy. It was so much fun to hear your stories and insights.

And apologies about the poor audio quality on my end but I promise that this is the last interview where I'm not using the Blue Yeti :)
Wrap Up

Airline companies are sending out promotional emails for flights this summer so make your Memorial Day Weekend plans now.

Hope you enjoyed the episode.

Tune in to Episode 6 Friday as we jump right back into hacking flights for affordable travel.


Kevin Le

***Thank you all for the feedback I've been receiving. Moving forward, I'm in the process of streamlining my production so that it will enable me to produce high quality shows more efficiently. Thank you for your support!