This Week In Organic: SEO & Content Marketing News [Video Podcast]

This Week In Organic: SEO & Content Marketing News [Video Podcast]

TWIO-33: Are SEOs focusing on the wrong areas?

February 04, 2016

This is the thirty-third episode of, ‘This Week In Organic’, the weekly show that debates the ramifications of the latest SEO and content marketing news.

In this episode we discuss whether or not Google is judging you based on a template, whether LinkedIn is starting to be a significant traffic driver again, and whether or not Twitter’s outage affected you. And much more!

Our host, @DavidBain is joined by @garyptaylor from TMWI, @jloomstein from GoRogue and @MarcinLondon from EnglishLive.

Sign up to watch the next show live over at and share your thoughts on what’s discussed using the hashtag #TWiO on Twitter.
Transcript of the show
DAVID BAIN: Are SEOs focusing on the wrong areas? Can paid advertising impact SEO and how will Facebook new emoticons impact content marketing?

All that and more in This Week in Organic Episode Number 33.

Hello and welcome, I’m David Bain and each week I’ll be joined by some knowledgeable, opinionated folks to discuss the latest happenings in anything that impacts organic traffic. And as for you in the live audience, get involved. Click on the tweet or the post buttons to the top left-hand side to share your thoughts on this show with other people, with your followers and tell us what you think in the comments to the right-hand side. But let’s find out more about today’s guests, where they’re from and what’s caught their attention this week. So starting off with James.

JAMES LOOMSTEIN: Sure. Thank you very much for having me on the show. My name is James Loomstein, I’m Managing Partner of Rogue Marketing. We are located in Dallas, Texas and we’re a digital strategy agency. We work mostly with high growth business oriented mid-size brands.

DAVID BAIN: Wonderful. Okay. And any particular topic that’s caught your eye over the last week or so that warrants discussion today, do you think James?

JAMES LOOMSTEIN: One of the things that you talked about and sent out is around targeting for SEOs and where we’re spending a lot of our time and attention. So I think attention is probably one of the biggest things where we need to focus our effort and I think the other thing we need to talk about is AI, voice search, I think is a big thing for 2016 and then one of the things that you also talked about was the new guidelines of Google webmaster tools.

DAVID BAIN: Okay, wonderful. Yes, there are different types of SEOs out there, but I guess the question is whether technical SEOs need to understand business strategy a little bit more in the future or whether they can get away with just being technical SEOs?

JAMES LOOMSTEIN: Exactly, and I don’t want to take away from everybody else’s time, and I think that we are coming to a fundamental shift between technical SEOs and how data and developers used to just do data and development and now it’s becoming about marketing and there’s a big difference between being a developer and being a marketer. That line in the sand is becoming incredibly evident.

DAVID BAIN: Yes, absolutely. And I think that particular topic actually, we could probably discuss for an hour by itself. But we’ll try to cover it in ten minutes or so, but we’ll see how we do. And also joining us today is Marcin.

MARCIN CHIROWSKI: Hello. Thanks for inviting me, it’s great to be here. I always like [unclear – 0:03:09.4] for this job in the past ten years, involved in different projects, mostly in-house so at the moment I’m an in-house marketer, SEO for about nine years I would say moving on to content [un...