This Week In Organic: SEO & Content Marketing News [Video Podcast]

This Week In Organic: SEO & Content Marketing News [Video Podcast]

TWIO-32: Is Google Judging You Based on a Template?

January 25, 2016

This is the thirty second episode of, ‘This Week In Organic’, the weekly show that debates the ramifications of the latest SEO and content marketing news.

In this episode we discuss whether or not Google is judging you based on a template, whether LinkedIn is starting to be a significant traffic driver again, and whether or not Twitter’s outage affected you. And much more!

Our host, @DavidBain is joined by @AskEmilyHill from Write My Site, @stekenwright from Branded3 and @jamesbavington from StrategiQ.

Sign up to watch the next show live over at and share your thoughts on what’s discussed using the hashtag #TWiO on Twitter.
Topics discussed during the episode:
=== Topic 1:

What’s the difference between being in Google’s core algorithm, and in its occasional updates?

Andrey Lipattsev, a search quality senior strategist at Google said that because Panda is now in Google’s core algorithm, it’s here for the foreseeable future – this means that prior to this, it might have been a bit more of an experiment. Now that we’ve had over a week to review the impact of Panda’s core algorithm inclusion, are there any significant ranking changes that you can put down to this?

=== Topic 2:

Would you be happy to use Bing as your default search engine on your iPhone?

Apparently Google are paying Apple 1 billion dollars a year to be their default search provider. And 43% of iPhone users say they don’t care about their default search provider. So is it important for Google to be the default search provider on iPhones?

What if Bing was the default search provider? Would that damage Google or Apple?

Do you optimize for Bing at the moment?

How do you optimize for Bing?

=== Topic 3:

Is Google Judging You Based on a Template?

Aaron Friedman recently published an article on Moz called “Is Google Judging You Based on a Template?”

So what happens if Google have categorized your business wrongly?

Should you be structuring your site and your content differently based upon your industry?

=== Topic 4:

If I wanted to build a general English language blog, and have UK & USA English language sites,  have you come across many sites that have done that? What is the best practice SEO for that?

Can you have a general English language site and appeal to both the UK and the USA?

=== Topic 5:

LinkedIn is starting to be a traffic driver again

According to an article on DigiDay, LinkedIn is starting to be a serious traffic driver. So what are some of the more effective ways to drive traffic from LinkedIn?

=== Topic 6:

How did Twitter’s outage affect you?

Did the world stop for you during Twitter’s outage on Tuesday morning?

What’s the alternative to Twitter?