This Rhetorical Life

This Rhetorical Life

Episode 15: The Politics of Pedagogy with Naeem Inayatullah

November 15, 2013

We want to enact social justice in our classrooms. We try to do this by considering diverse student bodies, incorporating multimodality into our classrooms, developing equitable assessment, and so much more. What about participation and democracy? Even if we value participation and democracy in our classes, what do these concepts look like in reality? And what about the pesky problem of authority? What about the unequal power relations between teacher and student?

Naeem Inayatullah in the classroom (image via The Ithacan)

Episode 15 features an interview with Naeem Inayatullah, Professor and Chair of the Department of Politics at Ithaca College, who describes his pedagogical approach in the classroom: an approach he describes as Socratic, collective improvisation. This approach is at once radical and reflexive, informed by Lacan and addressing the power inequalities that exist in the classroom.

To read a PDF of the full transcript, please download it here: Episode 15 Transcript

The music sampled in this podcast is “Budgerigar Vishnu†by Vinod Prassana.