Uncommon Sense: the This is True Podcast

Uncommon Sense: the This is True Podcast

081: Breathe Easy

October 05, 2020

In This Episode: There’s a technique that can keep you calm, or even alive in an emergency, that’s so easy to learn you’re already doing most of it right now. You’ll be amazed at what it can get you through when you learn the rest of it, and I’ll tell you how.

081: Breathe Easy
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* Help support Uncommon Sense: kofiwidget2.init('Support TRUE on Ko-fi', '#29abe0', 'L4L31K3PE');kofiwidget2.draw(); — yes, $5 is significant help!
* Dr. Seppälä’s articles: in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry, and in Psychology Today.
* Lt. Col. David Grossman’s book On Combat on Amazon.
* Uncommon Sense Episode 34: Scenarios, and my meditation I mentioned.
* Kit’s blog article, Only a Breath Away, and Dr. Lou Corleto’s class, Conscious Breathing — you can use THISISTRUE as a coupon code over the next two weeks to get $50 off the class: I’d rather you get a discount than me get a bounty.

Welcome to Uncommon Sense, I’m Randy Cassingham.
I’m back from a quick break — I skipped last week to celebrate my wedding anniversary. I took Kit to a small, socially-distanced seminar at a mountain resort in Utah, which we could drive to in one easy day.
Lou, who we’ve known for a couple of years, was one of the presenters, and what he had to tell us was so interesting, I had to research it a bit when we got home so I could expand on it for you. Lou only had a short time slot!
He talked about — get this — breathing.
“What’s so hard about breathing?”, you might ask. If you do ask that, you probably don’t have breathing problems. On the other hand, it’s true that we start breathing when we’re born without any sort of training, and the vast majority of our breathing throughout our lives is not under conscious control. Our body “just does it.”
On the other hand, we can consciously control our breath, and that helps us to consciously control other things. Now that I’m talking about it, you’re probably noticing your own breath. You likely weren’t thinking about it at all before you got to this episode, so you’ve gone from unconscious breathing to conscious breathing, just like that.
Check the Show Page in this spot: I’ve included an incredible video showing breathing, probably unlike anything you’ve ever seen before: it’s a real-time MRI that lets you look inside a breathing human.