Uncommon Sense: the This is True Podcast

Uncommon Sense: the This is True Podcast

078: Tapping a Deeper Mind Power

August 31, 2020

In This Episode: What if there was a way to use your mind to reduce stress, increase emotional health, boost your attention span, help preserve your brain as you age, even help control pain? There is a way, and it’s actually easy to do.

078: Tapping a Deeper Mind Power
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* Help support Uncommon Sense: kofiwidget2.init('Support TRUE on Ko-fi', '#29abe0', 'L4L31K3PE');kofiwidget2.draw(); — yes, $5 helps!
* I mention two earlier episodes: 041, about the Dunning-Kruger Effect, and 013, about ADD being my superpower.
* Meditate in the American Heritage dictionary (and a couple of others).
* The articles on Healthline, the National Institutes of Health, and The Mayo Clinic.
* Details about the guided meditation I created is on this page.

What if there was a way to use your mind to reduce stress, increase emotional health, boost your attention span, help preserve your brain as you age, even help control pain? There is a way, and it’s actually easy to do.
Welcome to Uncommon Sense. I’m Randy Cassingham.
This is True is pretty much “about” thinking, but that doesn’t mean thinking has to be hard. And as I’ve already established in previous episodes, thinking doesn’t demand high intelligence. I’ve met plenty of very smart people who don’t have a lick of common sense, let alone Uncommon Sense, and I’ve met people of pretty average or less intelligence who dazzle me with their Uncommon Sense, let alone displays of common sense!
I think one of the keys that makes the difference is self awareness, because first, that helps you avoid the trap of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, discussed in Episode 41, and realize you have gaps in your knowledge (and, again, knowledge is mostly decoupled from intelligence), and it allows for the humility to be willing to gain that knowledge.
So many people are so closed-minded that they are actually afraid of using the very tool that will enable them to not only boost their brain power, but also to get all of the benefits mentioned in the introduction, and more.
Do you want to take a moment to meditate on what that tool might be?
That word — meditate — has a lot of layers of meaning. I consulted my favorite dictionary, American Heritage, to help explain.
First definition: “a) To train, calm, or empty the mind, often by achieving an altered state,