Uncommon Sense: the This is True Podcast

Uncommon Sense: the This is True Podcast

077: 7 Things to Stop Doing

August 10, 2020

(& What to Do Instead)
In This Episode: Want a happier, more-fulfilled, and less-stressed life? Here are seven things to stop doing immediately — and what to do instead — that are pretty easy to do right away.

077: 7 Things to Stop Doing (& What to Do Instead)
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* Help support Uncommon Sense: kofiwidget2.init('Support TRUE on Ko-fi', '#29abe0', 'L4L31K3PE');kofiwidget2.draw(); — yes, $5 helps!
* Full Disclosure: While editing this episode I had two (“Double Stuf”!) Oreo cookies. But that’s just the thing: I had two — not 20. When you’re not addicted to sugar, you really will be able stop when you want.
* The CDC on obesity and overweight Americans.
* “Research has shown that being overweight or obese increases the risk of 11 types of cancers including colorectal, postmenopausal breast, ovarian, and pancreatic cancer,” says the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and why you don’t have to cut out every speck.
* As noted at the end, Uncommon Sense will be taking an episode or two break so I can catch up on rest.

Want a happier, more-fulfilled, and less-stressed life? Here are seven things to stop doing immediately (& what to do instead) that are pretty easy to do right away.
Welcome to Uncommon Sense. I’m Randy Cassingham.
It’s easy for humans to get locked into ruts, and the more we travel those ruts, the deeper they get. We stay the course, even when there’s plain evidence that we’re being stupid. Have you ever insisted you were right about something when friends tell you you’re wrong — up to and including losing those friends? That’s a massive rut.
There are also habits that we get into that burn up our time and energy for no useful purpose. Do you have too much to do and not enough time in the day to do it? These tips will help free up hours of your time. And if you resist such easy steps, you’re probably in a rut!
People with Uncommon Sense work hard to avoid those ruts. But since it is so easy to get caught up in them, they pay attention so they can tell when they’re in one, and they purposefully work to get out of them by thinking about it. “Why am I stuck here?” or, “What do I need to do to put a stop to this, and what should I do instead?”
So here’s my list of 7 things to stop doing, in no particular order, and what to do instead to get out of those ruts and bad habits. There certainly are other things to stop too, and maybe later I’ll do another 7, but these are what came to mind this week.
Number 1: Stop complaining. Nobody likes a whiner — probably not even you. Rather than looking for things to criticize, start looking for the positive,