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TIL 014: Project 333 creator Courtney Carver on the Capsule Wardrobe, simplicity, and tips for travel!

November 28, 2014

Have you guys heard of the Capsule Wardrobe idea????

Of course you have. If you haven't, stop what you're doing right now and Google it.  Or Pinterest it!  (Will "Pinterest" ever become a verb you think??)  Anyway...It's such a cool idea.  And rumor has it that Courtney Carver started it all with Project 333.  And lucky for you...she's on the podcast this week!!

One of my favorite things about the Capsule Wardrobe is for someone like me, who buys clothes ALL THE TIME and doesn't like 95% of them, something like this would really help me narrow down my style and love the clothes I wear.

And one of the main reasons I like the Project 333 method is that it really honors simplicity and doesn't expect you (in fact, it urges you not) to buy an entirely new capsule each season, and to work first with what you have.

Especially after talking with Courtney, I can not WAIT to go to town on my closet.  You can rest assured that I will be sharing all about it over on my poor neglected blog as it happens! (Stay tuned!)
Links & Things:
First of all, the amazing photo of Courtney's closet for her fall capsule.

Whoa right??!!
Courney's microcourse on creating your own Capsule Wardrobe!!*

Courtney's list of ebooks and microcourses she offers

Info on The Simple Year course (registration starts again January 1st!)

A list of great posts from Courtney about Simplicity

Getting Started Guide to Project 333

A list of helpful posts for Project 333

...Including the great post with 15 Tips for Beginners

...And The Minimalist Travel Capsule Wardrobe
What a few others are doing:
Kendra Tierney's capsule wardrobe adventure here AND her link-up for other bloggers' posts here!

Jenna from A Mama Collective shares about her experience
Black Friday Reminder:
Don't forget the coupon code for 15% off your Advent Calendar at Inspired Life Shop!!  Just use the code:


all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday!! Â